I am a big believer that you have to build trust with your customers before they will work with you. So why does this matter to a lawyer? Well, for a SAAS company to build trust with its SAAS agreement, it needs to look bigger and more sophisticated that it actually is to its customers. One of the ways to do this, is to make sure that all of the non-marketing touches with your customers ooze sophistication (your pricing methodology, contracts (don’t forget those), community product management). Take a look at the SAAS University as these guys are focused on helping SAAS companies ooze sophistication. They have regular conferences and a newsletter, with lots of helpful topics and contacts. While I may be drinking too much of their cool aid, as I am going to present at their conference at the end of the month, I think you will find some useful resources there. I will be sure to write a Version II of this story, and tell you what helpful things I learned when I went back to back to school.