Software EULA/SaaS Contract TUNEUP


Have You Had Your Software EULA/SaaS Contract TUNEUP for 2010?

You know, adjust your contracts to improve their performance…just like your car. Ok, let me explain. Every software or SAAS based business should take a look at their Software EULA or SAAS Contract each year to see if they are 100% consistent with their current model, pricing, go-to-market strategy, etc., as too often this is forgotten or last on the list. Look I know legal issues and contracts are not top-of-the-mind for most executives, but don’t over look it.

My TuneUp ideas are:

1) At least once a year, whenever you make a change to your model, or come out with a new offering etc., think about whether you need to change/tweak your Software EULA or SAAS contract.

2) When do you take a look, think about whether you can simplify, shorten and make your agreement more transparent and clear. That is the trend in contracting for software and SAAS, so don’t forget it.

3) As with cars, there is no one size fits all tuneup (I hope you knew that already), so there is no one size fits all tuneup for your agreements either. Figure out what is new or different, and fix/improve it.

Just a few thoughts from a software attorney.

Disclaimer: This is provided for educational and informational purposes only, and is not legal advice. Hire an attorney for legal advice, as they should consider the pertinent facts and applicable law before providing any advice.

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