Google’s Trademark Use Policy for Software Reseller Sites


Whether you resell your technology using a software reseller or SAAS reseller agreement, take a read. Until recently, if you were a reseller or an informational website you could not use the trademarks of the manufacturers you represent in the ad text of your Google ads. This kind of made sense, as it is not your trademarks. However, Google did a little more thinking about the issue, and revised their Trademark Policy  (probably as a result of the fair use doctrine).

There are still a few rules though (summary below), before anyone can take advantage of this new policy:

1. you have to be either a:

  • reseller,
  • informational site,
  • maker or reseller of components parts, or
  • seller of compatible components or parts related to the trademark.

2. the product or service from resellers must be on the:

  • ad’s landing page, and
  • clearly available for purchase

So if you are an ISV don’t be surprised if your resellers show up in Google ads with your trademarks; and if you are a reseller or informational site you may be able to use the trademarks of the manufacturers you represent in your Google ads. Remember to talk to your trademark lawyer with any questions though.

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