Here are some blog posts on cloud services agreements.
Take a read!
Three Things to Consider in Your Cloud Services Agreement.
What Not to Include In Your Cloud Services Agreement.
What your Cloud Services Agreement Says About Your Company!
Cloud services agreements are in essence a different name for a SaaS agreement, PaaS agreement or IaaS agreement. I think the naming of cloud agreement vs some other reference has not been standardized yet. I suppose that once there is a generally accepted usage of the term cloud services vs software as a service, the agreement name will simply follow.
Whatever you want to call it, get educated on these legal issues. I have lots of posts on my home page about cloud services agreements. Here are some example, why to register your copyrights, copyright protection of GUIs, how to protect your source code, channel agreement issues, referral agreement issues, hot cloud privacy issues, why Trust Sites matters and you should set one up, why having warnings on your software will help if there is a data loss, 4 things you should know about indemnities, etc As you can see, there is a lot to learn about cloud services agreements and cloud services issues. Get educated, as the quicker you do the quicker you can start addressing the issues.
Let me tell you a little bit about our law firm, and how we are different from most law firms you may find. First, we only represent Software and SaaS companies on contracting, copyright and privacy matters. Second, we have a plain English drafting style. This means our agreements are clearer and simpler for you and your customers to understand. We have actually figured out that this is the trend in the industry, and we are helping software and SaaS companies to contract in a simpler manner with their customer. Take a look at our profile pages for more information on the firm.